Welcome back springtime and summer Young Eagles Rallies!

We sign up 54 Young Eagles for their introduction to flight adventures!

May 23, 2023

54 youngsters signed up to fly on what turned out to be a perfect flying day on Saturday May 13th. Ten local pilots volunteered their time and airplanes to introduce these young Eagles to the adventure of flight. Two of those pilots (Remy Barrat and Luke Davis) were instructors from NW Michigan College of Aviation flying airplanes from the college. We owe them a debt of thanks for their participation. Also thanks are to be given to Eric Nuffer and the staff at Giving Wings Aviation for hosting the event.

For pictures of the event, including each and every young person with the pilots who flew them, go to our album on Flickr (photos courtesy of our ever intrepid pilot and chapter photographer Morgan).

Our next Young Eagles Rally (and pancake breakfast) will be June 10th at Empire Airport. Registration is available here: https://youngeaglesday.org/?5993

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