We get together regularly on the second Thursday of each month starting at 6:30 p.m. These events are usually at our chapter office. If the event is a speaker or something similar that we can share on Zoom, you can join virtually.
Gatherings usually include time to catch up with each other, then a short presentation and Q&A with a featured speaker. For 2024, we are switching up our monthly gathering format to experiment with other types of events, too. Sign up for our email list for updates.
The program usually goes like this:
5:30 IMC/VMC Club (optional)
6:30 Gathering begins, pizza and pop
7:00 Presentation or program begins
We look forward to seeing you at our chapter office, or on Zoom.
If hangar flying is your favorite flying and you’re an early weekend riser, come hang out at the chapter office every Saturday morning from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. (roughly).
It’s an informal gathering of aviation enthusiasts, chatting about anything and everything to do with flying (and a lot of other topics, too). And, if it's a good day for flying, we might even plan a Saturday adventure.